Front door fuscia

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Stepping Stones in Garden

As promised, here are pictures of the paths I started creating in early summer, which are now completed in October. Edging is river stone and small bark. The garden looks bare in spots because the California poppies have finished blooming. About all the color now is yellow alstromeria, purple penstemen, lavender, and a few white Shasta daisies (not in pictures). The first two pictures show the red cigarette plant on the left side. Paul dug up some clumps of this to take home to Marin for his two front planters. The yellow and white petunias under the front window are in their second blooming after being cut way back.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Glenn's 80th Birthday in the Garden

Glenn turned 80 on July 11, 2011, and son Paul turned 60 a week earlier on July 4. Here we all are in the garden. Back row: son Mark, grandkids Shelby and Cameron in front of their dad, Paul; daughter-in-law Dustin next to her honey, son Glenn Jr. No need to name the long-time couple seated. In front is our grand-dog Tucker, guardian of son Glenn. Missing are our Washington State grandson, Nicholas and his two sons, Weston and Cooper.